bruce curry
On Sunday July 13th, 2008, I was privileged to honor you and tell everyone what you meant to me ……..and so many others. I gave each one of your sons and Jayne a copy of my speech. During the time I talked I choked up several times……..with the memories of you and who you were to me in my life. This indeed was the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life. My friend…………I have thought about you each day since you told me you were ill and even more so since you left us. Your memory will never fade from my mind. One day I will see you again and until then I will try to be the friend to others that were to me. A task that will be difficult to measure up to. You were a great man and everyone at the memorial gathering was touched by all of the things and accolades that were proclaimed. Your leaving us so early is such a mystery to me…….and I am certain to others as well. To me, I cannot help thinking how many more people you would have impacted and changed if you were still with us today. I am sure that you are doing great things even as I write this to you. Our loss………heavens gain.
Goodbye my friend and I look forward to seeing you again.