Monday, July 21, 2008

final thoughts...bruce

bruce curry


On Sunday July 13th, 2008, I was privileged to honor you and tell everyone what you meant to me ……..and so many others. I gave each one of your sons and Jayne a copy of my speech. During the time I talked I choked up several times……..with the memories of you and who you were to me in my life. This indeed was the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life. My friend…………I have thought about you each day since you told me you were ill and even more so since you left us. Your memory will never fade from my mind. One day I will see you again and until then I will try to be the friend to others that were to me. A task that will be difficult to measure up to. You were a great man and everyone at the memorial gathering was touched by all of the things and accolades that were proclaimed. Your leaving us so early is such a mystery to me…….and I am certain to others as well. To me, I cannot help thinking how many more people you would have impacted and changed if you were still with us today. I am sure that you are doing great things even as I write this to you. Our loss………heavens gain.


Goodbye my friend and I look forward to seeing you again.



Saturday, July 19, 2008

final thoughts...grant


These past few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions.  We have spent time planning for my Dad’s Celebration Service which has helped to keep us busy, and has been great for my Mom to keep her mind busy too.  We have spent a lot of time reminiscing of the great times we have had with Dad.  The things we would tease him about only because we loved him.  The funny things he’d do. And the great times shared.  We all definitely miss Dad being around and we have to take each day as they come, one day at a time.  My Dad is in a great place now- able to be with his parents who were also called Home by God at an early age.   The experience we all observed in my Dad’s last evening on earth can be described as truly orchestrated by God. As we watched my Dad truly fight internally with not wanting to leave his family here and knowing he was being called Home, all we could do was let him know and assure him of is that we would be okay and He and God would be able to watch over us from Heaven.  He “fought the good fight” to use some of his words from that evening.


I had a great conversation with my Dad on the day of my birthday.  He told me of his deep connection with water.  Water for my Dad was soothing for his soul. Hearing running water, be it a stream, river or fountain, even just seeing water was so calming for my Dad and helped for him to relax.  Whenever my brothers and I face hard times, he told us to find some water and he’d meet us there.  I am sure when we go to Lake Havasu later this summer, it will be hard for one not seeing him on his boat next to us, but we will know he is with us as we are on the water.  He also expressed his desire for me to “MC” his Celebration Service that same day.  It wasn’t the easiest thing for me to do, but we got through it.   


Another great conversations had with my Dad on that Sunday before his passing, included Jen and I showing him some of the houses we have been looking at and putting offers on.  He was so excited for us.  And before we had to leave for a couple hours that night to look at a place in Foothill Ranch, my Dad told Jen, “This will be the one”.  Little did Jen and I know that day, was that my Dad and God had a little conversation in his last hours; you see, Jen and I are almost half way through escrow on that place that God/my Dad said would be the one.  And the cool thing is, it has a water feature in the front courtyard!


Thanks for your time and compassion for my Dad.


In His Grip- Grant

aka- “Brent Jr.”

final thoughts...lynette


 We want to take this time to thank all of you who came to celebrate Brent’s life with us at the service. It was so uplifting to hear how Brent had touched so many lives, and equally as comforting to know that you thought he was as wonderful as we did.


It is so very hard to put into words the love that we have for Brent.


He lovingly carried the torch as the Fletcher patriarch after Dad passed away. He was a dear brother/brother-in-law who teased a little and loved a lot. He made us laugh often. We went to him for advice on many things…purchasing our home, investments, and cars…we’re happy to say he approved of our cars. J


We have so many wonderful memories of Brent. One of our fondest is sharing family times together in our home. If it were a meal, Brent would take a nap shortly thereafter, and somehow, without our noticing until after he left, we’d find pictures on the wall upside down, trinkets moved from their spots to those of Brent’s choosing, and even candy wrappers strategically placed around the house. Sometimes it would take us days to find all of his little “adjustments” to our home.


He loved God, his family, and life to the fullest. We intend to follow his example by loving God, our families, and our lives to the fullest.


We love him dearly.


PAL (Philip & Lynette)