10:55AM...we find out that my white blood count is not high enough to get ANY chemo today or this week. This week schedule will be postponed until next week in order to allow my white blood count to recover and that I will be getting 2 different blood products is all. I will then also come back here on Thursday, for another blood test and get whatever blood products needed.
2:30PM...on my way home.
2:30PM...on my way home.
this is when my dad would say, "blessed are the flexible, for they shall not break", thanks dad!
After my really rough weekend and day 21 and after a ultrasound and CT scan of my abdomen, the only possibility to the pain in that area is a slight infection in my large intestine and this is because with all of the antibiotics and chemo I have had, it causes the good stuff to be striped out of my system and then it cause an infection which of course is treated with more antibiotics? Huh? I am now on 3 different antibiotics, one to protect me from bacteria, one to protect me from possible cold type infections and now this one to help heal the infection that all of these medications and chemos are causing. I am thankful that mom is keeping me on tract with what pill to take when.
Over all I am feeling pretty good, the only thing that I now deal with is some aching in my bones. This is because the bone marrow is working hard at rebuilding my blood that it actually causes my bones to ache. The best thing for this is water, water and more water. I have been able to take short trips out and about, I am just having to listen to my body when it says either stop, sit, lay down or sleep.
That's it for today, I will enjoy having the week off, let's get together.
oh, here are my numbers...
WBC: 1.4
RBC: 3.55
ANC: .4
Hemoglobin: 10.9
Platelet: 231
Hi Tyler,
Bob and I continue to pray for your complete healing and you and your mom are in our thoughts daily.
Bob & Kathy Cason
think of you and your every day... send prayers. love Kari
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