Sunday, June 8th and we all survived the big birthday bash last night. There 40 of my closest friends who attended the bash and what a party it was!
Between my wife, my sister and her husband and my kids, every detail was covered.
The party started with hors-devours and drinks and buffet piled high with BBQ. Ribs, Chicken, Tri-tip, baked beans... nothing was missing.
The laughter and story sharing with one of the stories telling all the details behind the picture on this t-shirt. I won' t bore you with the intimate details but let it be said in my earlier days (or maybe even my later days) I have been known to bare my butt. So this picture and others has circulated among our friends and others. Jayne decided it would be great to have t-shirts made with "No Regrets" printed on the front, which is my motto to live by and this back for all of the men in attendance. The shirts were definitely a hit and have already have had requests for additional shirts.
Last night I was made aware of a different website that has been up and going since March for all of my friend to answer some questions about me and be able to leave a birthday wish. Jayne is going to have the responses put into a memory book. I would love for you to be a part please feel free to respond at: http://pccliffe.googlepages.com/ brent%27sbirthdaybash
So the wonderful evening concluded with some outrageous chocolate cake, some hugs followed by a few tears and few final humorous stories. Everyone left with great memories and full bellies.
I am so grateful for those who were able to attend and the many of you who have sent birthday cards and wishes. I must admit that there are days that I do feel 50 but after that party last night I felt like I was a teenager again.
We have another busy week ahead and as always we will keep you posted.
Until tomorrow...
Happy 50th.I am sure it was a blast.
J. Rowe
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Rich & Marina
It was so great to see you and the family Saturday night. What a fantastic party! The stories were great and the jeopardy taught us a few new things about you:) (don't worry, we won't tell!) Thanks so much for having us. We can't wait to get back out on the water with you. We love you guys!
Happy 50th Birthday Brent! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
My family has become very familiar with a guy named Brent from California! We don't see many folks from California in Germantown, Tennessee. Heck we don't own shoes either! Prayers are flowing my friend! Hang tough!
In His Name,
Tom R.
Happy 50th Brent! We are praying good news will come regarding the surgery. You have been in our constant thoughts and prayers these past few days as you have been going through all the necessary pre-op testing. The Lord bless you, give you strength to endure all this, and give you peace. Much love, Chelle
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