Well, we want to catch you up. Yesterday, was the Cardiologist appointment and we met with Dr. Tran, the first thing he asked was if I was feeling okay, I had been asked that quite a few times before he came in. I guess it had to to do with the fact that my blood pressure was 92/46 ugh! The doctor proceeded to look at the inside of my lower eyelids and he didn't see any blood in that tissue, he then looked at the last blood work which was over a month ago, and saw that I was a bit anemic at that time, he made the statement: "do not leave the hospital until you have blood drawn and the results, I think you made a transfusion." OK! Then he talked to us about the pros and cons of having surgery. During his exam he noticed that I was wheezing and that brought a bit of concern and he also heard a bit of a murmur. He said that he was comfortable with me going through the surgery but would want to have a stress test done prior to surgery, stress test? I thought, hasn't this whole thing been a stress test? So, he wrote a bunch of "orders" and had the ETC (emergency treatment center) come and pick me up, via a wheelchair, take me to the unit and have the blood test done and do what? WAIT. you guessed it.
Well, about 4pm the doctor came in and told me that I was about 1 to 2 quarts low, just kidding, pints low. My blood test showed that I was losing blood at a slow rate and he would suggest I have the transfusion. So, I did. He also talked to my surgeon and they decided that 2 pints were needed and also the first of a three series injection. The injection series was going to sort of take the place of what the kidney does to help the body make blood. I hate anything having to do with needles, OK great, let's do it.
Well, the blood transfusion got started and then they came in for the injection. Picture this 2 nurses, one with this big felt pin maker thingy and the other with the instruction sheet. Yes, the instruction sheet, neither one of them had ever done this type of injection. Great! so one nurse takes a pinch of my belly fat between her fingers, grips the pen as if she was going to stab me with it, depresses the red button and it is suppose to "click", you guessed it, no click, so the two nurses look at each other and said. now what? They re-read the instructions, and tried it one more time: pinch, press, and CLICK! yeah! I was relieved but I think the nurses were more relieved. Nothing like being a Guinea pig. It took @ 4.5 hours for the transfusion and I was on my way home @ 9pm.
I have had to revert to sleeping in the recliner because of pain but seem to get a pretty good nights rest, despite sleeping in the same position. I decided to work from home today and not push my luck with the drive to the office. I have my MRI tomorrow @ 7am, pray for no waiting. Thursday, I have some pre-0p stuff and I meet with the pain management group to see if I can have the meds adjusted in order to get more relief and then next week I have the appts. that the cardiologist wants prior to the surgery and meet with the oncologist. My surgery date is scheduled for June 18th.
until tomorrow...
1 comment:
Hope your doing well buddy. Your in our thoughts and prayers.
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