As Father's Day approaches tomorrow I have been reflecting on my Father and my own nearly 27 years as a Father.
I enjoyed 26 years with my own father before he went home to be with his heavenly father. He was only 48 years old and the ugly decease of cancer cut his life short.
For those of you who didn't have the privilege of knowing my father, you missed out! He was one of a kind. He had a great sense of humor, corny as could be and had some of the best mid-west one liners you could ever hear. Do to the nature of this sight I can't share them with you but they were classics. My dad was strict and the bar was always set high for me. Sometimes......no......many times I felt growing up he expected to much of me but as an adult I realized it was his tremendous love for me and his desire for me to be the best person I could be.
My dad wasn't perfect.......but none of us are.....are we?
My father taught me what it was to be a Christian man. He always said the priorities are to put God first, family second and work third. He taught me that you can't out give God. I watched my father love my mother with all his heart and soul and learned from him how you always put you wife on a pedestal.
I guess it is really ok to say that my father was my hero. When I was growing up all I could think about was how bad I wanted to grow up and be like my father. He left this earth in 1984 and I still have a piece of my heart that misses him so much it feels broken sometimes.
I loved my father!
As I think about my almost 27 years of fatherhood, I smile from ear to ear. I so enjoying being the father to my three sons. Many of my life decisions have been made based on how it would effect my boys and their lives. Job decisions, moves, school districts have been with them in mind. Each one of them have been a challenge at times in my life but I am a better person because of each one of them and their influence on my life. They have....and continue to bring such joy and fulfillment to my life. I love each one of them with all my heart and soul!
And finally, let me offer some thoughts to you who are fathers and those that will some day be fathers.
Remember, that when your kids are growing up their minds are like bank accounts. You need to ask yourself daily what am I depositing into their accounts? Is it (has it) been positive and will it reap positive dividends? Has it served to build up or tear down?
I recently reviewed the story of the prodigal son found in the new testament. Of course the story is most often told and used to look closely at the youngest son's poor and selfish, sinful behaviour and sin's shame. The story ends with a happy ending when he comes home and the whole family rejoices with a grand party. (Take time to read Luke 15:11-32) I want you to notice some of the father's behaviour through out the story.
**Dad never raises his voice at the youngest son when he demands his "inheritance" long before it is do him.
LESSON: This father practiced patience and compassion.
**The father was looking for his son to return and I know this because the story says that while the son was still a long way off....his father saw him coming down the rode.
LESSON: His father never gave up on his son!
**When the son arrived the father didn't say...."I told you so!" Nope, he welcomed him with open arms.
LESSON: The father looked beyond his own feelings of frustration, worry, probably rage.....and let his love for his son flow like a river.
Well, thanks for letting me ramble. I hope for all of you fathers this fathers day, you will rejoice in your father hood and the tremendous privilege it is to be a father!
1 comment:
Dad- This coming Sunday will be 27 years that I have had the privledge of being your son. I know we (Kent, Tyler, and I) have been challenging at times when we thought we knew it all, but looking back, as you have stated, it has all made us better at who we are, and I realize that we still have a lot to learn! I would not change the past for anything. The coutless memories and stories of growing up will remain clear in my head forever. I am thankful for the many sacrifices you and Mom made for us first rather than yourselves. I am so proud to call you my Dad and I am proud to be called "Brent Jr." or a "clone" of you, with the things I do and say that remind others of you! It's awesome having a father like you and learning what I have so far, and I looking forward to what you will teach me tomorrow and the days following! As we said yesterday, Happy Father's Day- I Love You with all my heart and am the man I am today because of you- thank you.
Love your oldest son- Grant
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