Friday, May 9, 2008

two down, one to go...

More GREAT news today.... the brain scan was cancer free! hip hip hooray!

Yesterday was a tough day, the pain just would not let up. I just couldn't get the right dose of medication. More seemed to make me nauseous and dizzy and to describe the feeling, it was Loopie, ?? So, as the day wore on, mostly on Jayne having to watch me trying to get comfortable, she suggested that I call COH to see if it was possible to change medications, she just didn't think that I need to be so uncomfortable. Well, she was right! I am getting better at saying that. They were able to prescribe something quite a bit stronger and so my first dose came just before bedtime. What a much better drug. Laying down causes a stinging kind of pain in the kidney, so I slept in the recliner all night and really felt much better in this morning.
Today was a little better, I spent the day trying different kind of home remedies...drank Ensure for some balanced nutrition and put an ice pack on the kidney side off and on and I changed from briefs to boxers (the elastic was loser around my waist TMI?), which all seemed to contribute to a tolerable day. About 3pm was when the news came that the brain scan was, All Clear!
We had hopes of going to the lake this weekend to celebrate our 29th anniversary but after these last two days and my biopsy early on Monday, we decided to celebrate at home.
I am so very grateful for the many that have called, sent cards, left comments on the blog and are praying for us. This is more uplifting than many of you could ever understand. Thank you for your love support and prayers.


Kathy & Bob Cason said...

Happy Anniversary! We are so thrilled to hear the good news about the brain scan. We continue to pray for the easing of your pain and continued good news. All of our love to you and Jayne...Kathy & Bob

Anonymous said...

As I read this I get the chills & and great big smile. Awesome news... that's what we were and are praying for! Happy Aniversary!LOve & uncountable prayers
Kari,Jerick, Jorgan & April