today, I am beginning to feel the reality of my treatment. I am very tired and really don't have any energy, such a difference from the days before arrive here and to think that I was soooooo sick then. The good thing about feeling this way is that I am not having to deal with any other side affects? effects? (not sure which tense to use?) from all of this.
Get this, there are two things in our normal blood that my blood is low on and to keep it simple: one is to keep me from bleeding and the other is to keep me from forming blood clots. These two things are normally in our blood even though it seems like they would work against each other. So starting yesterday I began transfusions of Cryoprecipitate, that is the one for the bleeding. Then the nurse comes in with another bag for "my better half" which she tells us is to prevent clotting and it will only take 20 minutes to get into my body. She then says that the Pharmacist told her not to drop the bag because it costs $70,000.00!!!! What? how can anything cost that much? This is something that comes from blood donors, it's manufacturer is GOD and they can sleep at night? Then I found out from my Dad and Mom's first condo, in 1980 cost $74,000. All of this is hard enough to grasp and then when the costs are added in, I realize that God IS In Control, He is my provider and my job is fight this fight and let him handle the rest.
So, while we are on the subject of blood, many of you have been asking me about coming in a donating blood or platelets. The answer to this is YES and please do. Here is how it works; for every pint of blood is donated in my name, it replenishes the blood supply and then it works as a credit or exchange for the blood that I need. So BEFORE you come down to donate, please post a comment and let me know your name and contact info and my mom will give you the necessary information you need. Note: all of the donation comments will be kept private and will not be published. Thank you in advance for helping me and many others by donating.
Here are my counts for today:
WBC: .30
RBC: 2.69
Hemoglobin: 8.6
Platelets: 31
Gluecose: 241
Blasts: 000000%
I want to also say to all of you that are asking about visiting, unfortunately until my WBC is above 1.00 and steady, I cannot have visitors. My body does not have the ability to fight and I am at a very high risk for infections and even the everyday cold. Plus right now, I wouldn't be very good company because I just don't feel up to doing much of anything. So for now watch for me on Facebook or Skype and we can chat there and I look forward to seeing you soon, in person.
The doctors tell me that everything is On Track and going just as it should be. My next bone marrow test and chemo treatment will be Thursday, day 15, the half way mark!
thanks for fighting the fight with me...
Hey tyler been keeping up with your progress, thanks for the updates. I'm waiting to hear back from coh about donating I got a tattoo a month ago but maybe there is some other way I can help. Stay strong you've got a big support group pulling for you. If you know of any other way I can help let me know.
Tyler Yuskiewicz
Tiny Pants! Hey bud, I know I am far away but. Is there a way I could donate out here in Colorado and it would be credited to you? let me know will be continuing to pray for you.
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